With your support Jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. can continue our mission to make Downtown Jeffersonville a more vibrant and beautiful place!
If you love the Farmers Market, Concerts in the Park, DASH 5K & Veterans Tribute, the Farm to Table Dinner, the Wine Walk, the Chocolate Stroll, the Cookie Stroll, the small businesses, the historic buildings we’ve helped preserve, and the sense of place that has been restored in Downtown Jeffersonville, then please consider donating to our 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
Jeffersonville Main Street finds ways to make Downtown Jeffersonville a better place to live, work, shop, dine, & play. We believe in historic preservation as an economic development tool, we believe in the value of small businesses, we believe in the sense of place that emanates from Downtown Jeffersonville, we believe in the importance of having a healthy downtown, we believe Downtown Jeffersonville is everyone’s neighborhood, regardless of where you live. Jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. is committed to the sustainability of Downtown Jeffersonville and its business community. We hope you’ll join us in these efforts by supporting our work!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Jay Ellis, MPA, Executive Director
And the Jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. Board of Directors
Jeffersonville Main Street Inc. is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax-deductible, as allowed by law.
Donate at the $1000 level
Donate at the $500 level
Donate at the $250 level
Donate at the $100 level
Donate at the $50 level
Donate at the $25 level
Donate another amount
If you prefer to write a check then CLICK HERE to download the donation form.
Checks payable to Jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. at 401 Pearl Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130.
Friends of Main Street Program for Business & Industry
Business & Industry suggested annual amounts of support for Jeffersonville Main Street’s Downtown Revitalization efforts:
- 1-5 Employees: $150/year
- 6-10 Employees: $350/year
- 11-15 Employees: $500/year
- 16-20 Employees: $1,000/year
- 21-25 Employees: $1,500/year
- 26-30 Employees: $2,500/year
- 31+ Employees: $5,000/year
Note: This refers to full-time employees.