Front Porch Project Grants

Jeffersonville Main Street encourages the preservation and restoration of homes in Downtown Jeffersonville to improve the livability and look of the area.  Well maintained homes lead to pleasant and inviting neighborhoods, pleasant and inviting neighborhoods are essential to making Downtown Jeffersonville a vibrant place that people want to call home.  The Front Porch Project helps with this endeavor!  It is a matching grant program that will assist property owners in preserving, restoring, and rehabilitating homes within the grant coverage area (see map below). Grants are limited to exterior preservation, restoration or rehabilitation of homes. Read the guidelines below for more information.

A partnership between the Jeffersonville Urban Enterprise Association and Jeffersonville Main Street with support from Indiana Landmarks is providing funds to help downtown homeowners maintain and restore their homes.

Grant availability subject to available funds.

Application & Guidelines for Front Porch Grants




Note:  Be sure to find out if you need to apply with the City’s Historic Preservation Commision by emailing Laura Renwick at or calling 812-284-4534.

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